The most popular instrument in
More information >>> http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/06/15/sports/Vuvuzelas-will-not-be-banned-World-Cup-organisers-30131627.html
The most popular instrument in
More information >>> http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/06/15/sports/Vuvuzelas-will-not-be-banned-World-Cup-organisers-30131627.html
Yesterday I read news about the government and Thaicom. Thaicom is the Thaicom is come from Thai communications. It use to link from Thai and new technology. It was instituted on 7 November 2534. It was sold by Thanksin government. Now, Thai government is proposing to buy Thaicom from Singapore. The government said Thaicom is anti government because they broadcast PTV. The PTV is a television of red-shirt. Mr.Korn Chatikavanij[Finance Minister] wants Temasek to take over from MCOT and CAT Telecom. If he can do it will be good thing between Thaicom and the Thai government. I think Thai government wants to stop the red-shirt process from arouse Thai red-shirt but it maybe not successful because red-shirt is very averse the government.
If you want more information click this link http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/181363/buying-back-thaicom