Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hu Jintao

When he was young,his family was poor. His mother died when he was seven and he was raised by an aunt. He is good in singing and dancing. He graduated in hydraulic engineering 1965. He has son and daughter named Hu Haifeng and Hu Haiqing.
Apisit is the prime minister of Thailand. He graduated from Oxford University. He is young and has many experience. In my own opinion, Apisit has a good idea to manage the Thailand to be better. and
China politics

China politic is a single party socialist republic. The reader of the communist party is statedin the Constitution of the People's Republic of the China. China has eight non-Communist parties.
China has drafted four constitutions since 1954,1975,1978,and1982. There are a major political principles in China.
1.The communist party of China manage all of the country. They have a full power.
2.The socialist system.
The system led by the working class. In addition, it is based on the workers and farmers in the system of the People Republic of China.
3.The goal of the state.
The government of China concentrate on the socialist modernization. They build the road and building socialist with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese government supports the high technology and Science. Those reasons will improve the population in the country.
4.To govern the country with the rule and law.
All people and political parities must follow the rule of the country.
In Thailand, we used absolute monarchy in the country before 2475. Now, Thai politic is democracy. Every people in the country have the freedom. They can do every thing that no lllegality. I like the system of Thailand more than the system of the China because China economy and people are control by the government of China. and
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Doing Business in China

Doing the business always meet a lot of people. In China, meeting start with the shaking of hands and a slight nod of the head. The investors must know five tips to invest and do business in China.
1.Having clear understanding of China.It is essential to know the culture of Chinese people before invest in China.
2.Understand local business practices.3.Acquire local knowledge and establish local presence.
4.Need for establishing business relationships.
5.Establish close relations with government officials.

1. Car market in China exploded 80 percent in 2003 until now.
2. China is the world's largest telecommunications.
3. At approximately 1.29 billion people, the rate of the people who use the Internet of the country is very high.
In my opinion, doing business in Thailand is small-scale. Now, many people in Thailand are invest in China. This number is increase every years. In addition, Thailand should emulate the china economic. and
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Import with China [Business]

There are several keys that the buyer need to learn to import with China. If you know these process, doing business with China will be easy.
Twenty years ago, The comsumers had looking for the suppliers from the magazines. That was very difficult to find. Now, China establish the place from the consumers. The comsumers can find their products. This place was located in Guangzho because Guangzho is the economic city. It opens on April and October.
The consumers have two main choices to choose.There are air shipping and ocean shipping. Air shipping is fast but you have to pay high money. For the ocean shipping, this is the popular choice of the consumers. Shipping across the ocean can take several weeks. However, the good service provider can estimate how long of shipping times it is.
There are many consumers i nThailand who are import with China. The most important thing is knowing the Chinese language because most of Chinese people can't speak English.
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China Environment
China cares about the problem of the environment. The government tries to improve the environment during the recent years. In addition, China is the country that had been rapidly increasing their forest because it is the main reason to improve the water pollution. China not only improve the environment but also made the new resources of energy. For example, China is the country that produces more wind turbines and solar panels than the other countries.
China forests cover only 20 percent of the country. However, there are many closed forest in the country. Now, 111 million hectares became the closed forests but around 7.7 million hectares is farm forests. Government spent more than 40 billion yuan to protect the forests.
On 1 June 2008, All supermarkets and shop are not able to give the free plastic bags. Government legislated the law about the plastic bag in 2008. If the consumers want the plastic bag, they should buy from the shop[not for free]. This law shows that government cares about the environment.
Thailand is also care about the environment problem but not much like China. We have many ads suggest Thai people to tajecare our environment. I like many ideas from many ads.
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Flooding in China [ Environment]

Now, the world was affected by human act. The environment is not stable anymore. Flooding is the most important terrible that affect to us. Lastest effect was happened in South China last couple week. Now, 147 dead from this effect and 93 people are still missing. The news said more than 1.4 million people living on river banks has been lost thrie home. The China government gave 14.5 billing yuan or $ 2.2 billion to support for the flooding. Around 68,000 houses have collapsed and 1.2 acres of crops have been affected. However, many help from many country had already help the people. Now, prevention work continues. Most of people are poor, so they don't no money to repair their home. Anywise, The National Meteorological Center warned on Sunday. Two days after the flooding was began.
Many provinces in China have a lot of rain such as Zhejiang, Fujing, Henan, and Guangxi. The rainfall will be 100 to 180 mm. In addition, Pakistan was also affected from the flooding last weeks.
In Thailand, There was a flooding in Northen but the government had been protect from the flooding already. Thailand also help the Chinese people that was affected from flooding. We sent the need to the victims.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
China cell phone and branded cell phone

China is the country that export the most fake cell phones. Last year, I brought a new mobile phone from China then I went to China. I remember that I brought a fake I-phone. The feature was look like the branded cell phone but the function in the mobile was made me crazy. It was slower than real I-Phone and there are many stupid functions. After that, I promised to myself that I will use only a real mobile phone. But how do we distinguish?
First, They make the moblie phones that is same features but the priceis lower that the market price. Secondly the part of the mobile phone chip, Branded mobile phones use a different chips that is specific to each model. But, fake mobile phones usually use same chips with other version of mobile phones. This are some infromation form my experience.
Last week, I went to China and I saw alot of fake mobile phone in China mobile market. It has many types such as Blackberry, I-phone and Nokia. I also saw new brands of Chinese mobile phones such as Strawberry, Blueberry and I-berry. However, outside features are the same as the branded mobile phones.
In Thailand, there are alot of fake mobile phone from China and copy some features from the branded mobile phones. So, when you have to buy a new mobile phone be sure that it is branded mobile phone.
The bullet train in China (Technology)

Two years ago, China began a train from Beijing and Tianjin. Beijing and Tianjin are two big cities of China, so there are important for China economic. The speed of the train is maximum 350 kilometers per hour. There use only half a hour to finish a round. Now, There are 50,000 passergers travel by using the bullet train from Beijing to Tianjin. So, this train is very important to the passengers that travel every day. There is a part of their life. The price is 2,500 yuan a month. I think is too expensive for the worker who always use this train. However, the Chinese government spent a lot of money to build and It doesn't make any profit to the government. It was 700 million yuan[$103 million]. To sum up, the train has brought a great deal of convenience to passengers.
In Thailand, we have the BTS train. Bangkok people usually use it when they travel to the middle of the city. For me, I always use BTS when I want to go to siam center because it is convenience and faster that using a bus.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Beijing Opera (Entertainment)

There are 300 or more types of operas in China but Beijng opera is the most popular one in China.The operas are Chinese traditional culture. Beijing opera made the listener relax and occasionally quite noisy.
A Beijing opera was instituted in 1790. The artist learnedtechniques from otherlocal operas. After that, Beijing opera was developed by the new artists. Now, it knows by the people in the world.
The character roles are divided into 4 types. 1. Sex 2. Age 3. Social status and 4. Profession. For example, Jing are the roles with painted their faces are usually warriors and demons. A clown[comic character] can show by distinctive make-up such as the white spot on their nose. The different colors represent various personalities. For example, black and white stand for wisdom and valor.
Using different colors indicate different status. E.g. yellow for the imperial family, red for high nobility. The other way is use a clothes to show their status.+
Thailand, we have a traditional culture show at night barza in Bangkok. It shows Korn. The people who play Korn wear the headgear. The characters had showed by the action. When I was young, I saw Korn was very popular. However, the people who saw the Korn was decrease.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Lion Dance (Entertainment)

In general, the lion dance is a Chinese traditional dance. The lion dance is not same as dragon dance. People usually think the lion dance is similar to the dragon dance. The easiest way to tell how difference of lion dance and dragon dance is lion dance is operated by two people but the dragon dance needs many people.
People believe that the lion dance was developed from India. There are different colors of the lions for different cultures.For example, The northern lion is usually yellow orange and red with red bow on the lion head to indicate male lion, or green bow for a female lion.
How about Japanese lion?
In fact, Japanese lion was developed from China and India. The shows always use in The festivals such as Shinto festival. The colors of Japanese lion are green and white. Shinto festival is the important festival in Japan. In the festival, Japanese people show respect to their gods, so they use the lion to be a symbol of honor.
Sometimes, I saw the lion dance in the events in Bangkok such as Chinese New Year day. There are the symbol of the fortune. People usually give the money to the lion. and
Monday, August 2, 2010
Trading in China

As we know, trading with China is very important now. The most products that we use was made in China. Such as, mobile phone, television, radio. The most important transportation in china is shipping. China has more than 2,000 ports in their country. Examples of the important ports are Beihei, Dalian, Dandong and Shanghai. Sixteen major shipping ports in China have a capacity of 50 million tons per year. China was forwarded the goods more than Germany in 2009. That was the most trading in the world. By 2010, 35 percent of the world shipping is from China. Hong Kong is a major port trade center of China. However, some people said “China export very much of products but there are not strong enough in the world because of the products is really bad.
My parents also do the bussiness with China. They import the goods from China. They said it was not difficult to doing the business with China, but you should know Chinese well. That was the problem because I can't understand Chinese. However, I will try to learning Chinese.
Reform Transportation in China
Let’s talk about transport in China. Now, China has a good transport system because the good management of the China government. In 1949 to 1980, China transportation systems have been built very much in this period. Such as, China international airport, roads, rail. This systems help the Chinese people got a better life. The Chinese people were employed form the large company. They earned a lot of money. The most important transportation is a train. Most people in the country travel by a train. In the main region of China has an underground train to supporting a people. The roads were expanding very quickly for the people who using a car. The transportation depends on geography for each region of the country. The pride of Chinese people is the electric train [magnetic power] from Shanghai to the international airport. In Thailand, we also have a electric train but it is only located in the important parts of our country. So, there are not many people using the electric train in Thailand.
China plans to drives up the education

Now, China has a campaign to improve the Chinese students. The education minister of China name Chen Zhili. He trusts if they improve their students the education in China will be improve. The main idea is making young adult and adult to know to write and read. The china government plans to upgrade science and technology in the university. This plan consists of buying a computer and internet in 400 universities in China. There will be enforcing in 2011. China is spending on education is less than 2.5 percent of gross national product or 253 billion Yuan but it will increase 4 percent in this year.
The prime minister of Thailand always realize about the students in Thailand. He supported a lot of money to promote the education in the country. Especially, the children that living in the northern of Thailand. They didn't get enough education, so the government gave the education to them.
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Chinese Education

Now, I would like to offer about China education. The China education is the largest system in the world. 25 percent of the students come from China. In 1958, the government made a law of the education in China. The population must learn for 9 years. That law made the Chinese people over 93 percent got the education. So, the education in China has growth as well. At the same time, China improves a quality of education in the country. The education in China can separates to 4 types. First, Preschool education is the kindergartens. The children are 3-6 years old. They learn basics of the native language. This is very serious time of the children life. The second is primary school education. The students are only 6 years. They learn varies subjects. For example, Chinese language, Mathematics, Moral education and English. Third is high school education. They are 2 kinds in this school [Junior high school and Senior high school]. Finally, Higher education trains special subjects to develop they country. They learn 2 or 3 programs. In Thailand, we have also the same kinds of learning in the China. We have 4 types of education. I liked the high school life the most.